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If you’re a Sally Solopreneur who’s tired of going it alone, feeling like every step you take is by trial and error, or wondering if you’re burning out faster than your candle can keep up, you’re not alone. Like Burned out Betty, maybe you’ve found yourself recently on the verge of tears or ready to throw in the towel, what you need now is a supportive voice, a business BFF—someone who listens, lifts you up, and helps you remember that you’re still HER. If this is you, learn how our eb Success Coaches are literally a Female Founder's business besties here to guide you back on track, by empowering you to build the leadership capacity and confidence you need to thrive.
We'll work together to determine what a viable short and long-term development plan will be, and introduce you to one or more of the pillars of our GROW framework using the engagement method that fits you best:
Louwana "Lou" Ball
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